You find yourself on a misty webpage, facing a large castle to the south. To the east and west the track continues, and to the southwest can be seen (and smelled) a fuming cesspit. Looking around you there is a sense of age and decay but somewhere deep inside you there is a feeling that this may not mean that things are at peace.
Although this webpage appears to be otherwise empty, you sense the presence of a number of ghosts and no matter how long they have been still, silent and otherwise dead they seem to have something they wish to say to the world.
A hastily written sign has been planted here which reads "Can old MIST players please sign the guestbook and provide some contact details, especially if they want a memorial T-Shirt -- Lorry."
The ghost of Lorry the Arch-Wizard is here carrying "Confessions of an Arch-Wizard".
The ghost of Rmstar the wizard is here carrying shotgun, chainsaw and a MIST History Book.
The ghost of Rognog the arch-wizard is here carrying the Graveyard and a slow-modem.
The ghost of Rick the wizard is here carrying the poleaxe and a Guestbook.
The ghost of Bitch the Witch is here carrying a MIST T-Shirt.
The ghost of Richard the arch-wizard is here carrying MUD2-sweatshirt1, brand5, parrot1, contract1, mud2.
The cute little girl stands happily nearby carrying the almanac.
  :   This page is looked after by
Michael Lawrie.